Friday, 27 January 2012

Recap of Lecture 1(Introductory Session)

Consumer Behaviour and Market Research

Faculty: Dr. S.M. Dhume
                   Dr. Ankush Sharma

Recap of Lecture 1(Introductory Session)

Part1: Dr. S.M. Dhume

Consumer Behaviour (CB) and Market Research (MR) together influence managerial marketing decisions. MR gives quantitative insight on ‘How it happens?’ where as CB provides qualitative insight on ‘Why it happens?’

The subject focuses on the integration of the two, which will meet the knowing- doing gap and thus, would enable us learn the subject from practical perspective.

Decisions are made to meet the gap the prevailing situation and the desired situation.
Steps in decision making:-
1.      Identify objective
2.      Compare and contrast different alternatives
3.      Select the best alternative
4.      Take action which is directed towards the desired state.

Success of decision making depends on:-
            1.      Quality of Information received
            2.      Capability of the decision maker in taking decision and implementing it.

Marketing Research is about understanding the process of marketing
Market Research Includes understanding consumer (consumer research). Thus, market researchers should be thorough with CB.

Every company wants a) Growth and b) Survival.
Thus, it has to i) Attract customers and ii) Retain customers.  
Earlier, when Demand> Supply, the market was Seller’s market. However, post economic reforms of 1991, Supply>Demand therefore market is dominated by Buyers. Thus, attracting and retaining customers is a challenge in the present scenario.

Dealing with the Buyer’s market, two types of principles are:-
1)                 General management principles- include vision, mission, objectives, strategy, and goals.
2)                Marketing principles-
a.    Consumer perceived values(CPV)
 CPV= Consumer Perceived Benefits(CPB)/ Consumer Perceived Cost(CPC)
CPB includes:-
     -functional benefits: associated with products
     -subjective benefits: associated with Brand value (in customer’s mind)

CPC includes:-
     -financial costs
     -non-financial costs

                        The principle says:-                 
i)                    CPB>CPC
ii)                  Product/service should meet competition by overall high CPV(improve CPB,CPC or both)

b.     STP, Differentiation/USP

Mass marketing- economies of scale, associated risk is that everyone thinks it’s for others
One to One marketing- customer feels special, associated risk is high cost

Thus, Segmentation-Targeting- Positioning is done to reap out the benefits of the two.
Segmentation- divides the market-> do the profiling
Targeting- evaluate the segments-> Choose the segments
      Positioning-Identify USP
 i. It should be a distinguishing difference
                                     ii. USP should be important to the customer
                                     iii. Customer should be ready to pay for it
                      -Communicate USP

c.   Branding- Building name, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers

      d.  Marketing Mix – 4P’s- Product, Place, Price, Promotion
      7P’s- also include Packaging, Physical Distribution and People

Marketing Information System has three parts:-
a)      Internal- through historical data
b)     Market Intelligence System- through published data/ blogs
c)      Market Research System

Part2: Dr. Ankush Sharma

Following assignments were discussed:-

1.             Blog(         
a)      Each one needs to join the blog
b)     All students have to write the Recap of lecture in the class at least once.
c)      Blog will be used for uploading articles, posts and discussions

2.            Consumer Journal(15marks)
a)      Each one has to prepare a log of everything we buy (provided it’s worth keeping log) in a word documents with the following fields:-
1)     Serial number
2)     Item purchased
3)     Rationale
b)     We need to dissect only one purchase every week. This includes mentioning the need of the item and the rationale behind the purchase.
c)      In the session, a few of us will be called to read out the dissection done. So, we need to be prepared with the laptop or pen drive in the session.
d)     The CJ will have to be submitted in the end. It will be evaluated on the basis of presentation, innovation and the number of behavioural parameters included.

3.            Positioning Study(15 marks)
a)      We need to form groups of 10 each and select a category and get it register before session2.
b)     Templates of questionnaire, coding sheet, data sheet will be sent by Sir.
c)      We need to send the draft questionnaire(100 questions/group) before session2
d)     Questionnaire will be discussed by sir in session2
e)      We’ll have to do the market research and prepare perception map.
f)       Positioning Study will be done using tools like XLSTAT, SPSS
g)      Presentation, Viva will be in the end of course.

Note: Each member will have to work which will be evaluated by peer review where each team member will have to evaluate all other team members and ambiguities in marking will call for Viva.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

SEC Grid

SEC Grid

Recap of First session dated 18th January 2012

·         What is market research?
·         What is consumer behavior?
·         How are they inter-related?
·         What is their impact on marketing decisions?/ How do they facilitate decision making or managerial decision making?

Decision is required because of difference between prevailing and desired situation.
Steps of decision making:
1.      Need for objective/mission
2.    Determine alternatives which can solve problem
3.     Compare and contrast various alternatives
4.     Select best alternative
5.     Put alternate solution to action

Success/ failure depends on:
·        Capability of decision maker in terms of
Ø  Making decions
Ø  Implementing decisions
·        Quality of information

Marketing research is a systematic approach to gather information and analyze it in order to make decisions.
·         Consumer behavior:  Qualitative
·         Marketing research: Quantitative
Marketing models are failing today because of problem in qualitative understanding.

Difference between market research and marketing research:
Market research is about understanding and defining market, components of market and target market: It's goal is to have a clear understanding of the market. 

Marketing research defines decisions of market, advertising, etc. It aims to understand which marketing strategy will be best.
Consumer research is a part of market research.
Market research: Deals with principles of marketing
Consumer research:  Deals with principles of Consumer behavior

Success is defined by 2 major categories:
·         Growth
·         Sustainence
Other categories are:
·         Profit
·         Brand image
·         Goodwill
·         Market penetration
·         Market share
·         Market position
There is a relationship between growth and sustainence- If you grow, u need to sustain and If you are able to sustain, then only you can grow.

2 actions are required for growth and sustainence:
·               Attain customers
·            Retain customers
Earlier, Demand > Supply : seller was the market king. It led to 2 disasters-
Ø  Deficient economy
Ø  Foreign exchange crisis

In 1991, New Economic Policy was formed which led to:
Ø  Liberalization
Ø  Privatization
Ø  Globalization
This led to Demand < Supply  : Biased Market

General Management Principles:
·         Vision
·         Mission
·         Objectives
·         Strategies
·         Plans
·         Goals

Principles of Marketing:
·         Customer perceived value
·         STP
·         Branding
·         Marketing mix – 4P or 7P

Customer Perceived Value:
                It is the ratio between Customer perceived benefits (CPB) and Customer perceived costs(CPC).
                Its significance is in attracting and retaining customers. For this, CPV>1 ie CPB> CPC
                Customer perceived benefits includes –
Ø  Functional benefits
Ø  Subjective benefits
                       CPB= FB + SB
                Customer perceived costs includes
Ø  Financial costs
Ø  Non-financial costs
                Principle of CPV: Increasing CPV will lead to attracting more customers.

2 approaches to look at market:
Mass marketing  ----------------------------||------------||----------------------  1 to 1 customization
Price is less                                                                                                       Prices very high                                          
Risk to lose customers is high                                                                            Risk is less
Assumes all customers are alike                                                                        All customers are unique
Thus, there is a need of balance. So, group similar customers together. Thus, STP is a compromise, a mid way path between above two extremes.

Segmentation                                                      Targetting                                            Positioning
Divide the market                                               Evaluate                                                          USP
Profile them                                                        Choose                                                      Communicate

There should be distinct difference between customers of different segments.
There should be proper evaluation of:
Ø  Market
Ø  Competition
Ø  Customer need
Ø  Our capabilities
Choose 1, more or all the segments. Even if all the segments are chosen, its not mass marketing.

Ø  Difference should be there
Ø  That difference should be important for customers
Ø  Customers should be ready to pay for that difference

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Recap of Second session takem by Mr. Ankush Sharma Sir

We started with the Consumer Journal where in five students presented their views on the items bought by them the preceding week
1. Ariel
2. Cosco Cricket ball
3. Barista coffee
4. Domino's Pizza
5. Clothes
The students need to think in terms of positioning, 4Ps, marketing mix, and various other models of consumer behavior when they are to put a rationale behind their purchase.

Def. of Marketing - (CCD) that is creating, communicating and delivering value to the customer.

Models of CB
3 A Model - Awareness, Availibility and Attention
AIDA Model - Attention, Interest, Desire and Action

Types of Reasearch
1. Syndicate research - could be 90-95 % accurate in case of urban population but not more than 70-80 % in case of rural population.
2. Custom Marketing Research (CRM) - used majorly for commercial research as the sample size is smaller and easy to carry forward.

Classification of Population
1. SEC - socio economic classification
2. Metro, TIER II, TIER III cities -
Metro - more than 50 lakh
TIER II - 20-50 lakh
TIER III - 10 -20 lakh

Television Audience Management (TAM), an agency which is a joint venture between Nielsen and IMRB calculates the TRP. Now-a-days a new agency named AMAD is also there from the past 3-4 years who does the same work.

Marketing Research Process – ICAD
Identification, collection, analysis, dissemination

Commercial Research includes the following steps –
1.       1. Preparing a brief (Client)
-          Problem
-          Target group
-          Reference study
-          Location of study
-          Deliverables
2.       2.  Research proposal (Agency) – under the aegis of Marketing Research Society of India(MRSI) and has to follow the protocols specified by the MRSI.
3.       3. Commissioning
4.       4. Deadlines
5.       5. Submitting the questionnaire
6.       6. Collection –
Collection Methodology
Central location test (CLT) – where respondents are asked to come to specific common location and are interviewed for research. Widely used because can be easily monitored for the validation of research data collection.
Non central location test
7.      7.  Analysis
8. Dissemination

Monday, 23 January 2012

Consumer Behavior and Market Research

This is main thread for Consumer Behavior and Market Research.

Please reply to this post from your id to post your views/ blog etc.