In todays session sir talked about:
1.Factor Analysis
2.Cluster Analysis
3.Multidimensional Scaling
1.Factor Analysis
Different attributes of a tooth paste can be : whiteness, cavity, bad smell, freshness, tooth decay, shininess, strong teeth etc
These attributes can be clubbed as:
Steps in Factor Analysis

2. Assigning respondents to clusters : This is done with the help of Dendogram.
3. Profiling (Market Interpretation)
3. MDS
Please add any missing points
Thanks & Regards:
Shruti Aryani
Roll No - 80
1.Factor Analysis
2.Cluster Analysis
3.Multidimensional Scaling
1.Factor Analysis
- It is a Positioning technique
- It is Data reduction technique
- It is the clubbing of attribute into meaningfull factor
- Factor is done on variable level
Different attributes of a tooth paste can be : whiteness, cavity, bad smell, freshness, tooth decay, shininess, strong teeth etc
These attributes can be clubbed as:
- Asthetic : whiteness,freshness, shininess
- Health & Hygine : cavity, bad smell, tooth decay, strong teeth
Steps in Factor Analysis
- Identifying number of factors : This is done with the help of Eigen Value ( Thumb rule for this is 80% of variance) * Eigen Value : It is the amount of variance explained by the attributes
- Assigning variables to factors : This is done with the help of Corelation Matrix If r > 0.5 , then we can corelate the attributes
- Naming the factors : Name the factor so that it can be suited to all variables ( It is marketing interpretation)
- It is a Segmentation tool
- Cluster is done on respondent level
- Cluster Analysis is homogenity within the sample and heterogenity across the sample
- Identifying number of clusters : It is done using Eucledian distance ( i.e. distance between two clusters). As soon as Eucledian distance increases by great value, then we say that heterogenity between two clusters have been identified.
2. Assigning respondents to clusters : This is done with the help of Dendogram.
3. Profiling (Market Interpretation)
3. MDS
- Perception Map (XLSTAT)
Please add any missing points
Thanks & Regards:
Shruti Aryani
Roll No - 80
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