Consumer Behaviour and Market Research
Faculty: Dr. S.M. Dhume
Dr. Ankush Sharma
Recap of Lecture 3
Prepared by:mithlesh,PGDIM-18,Roll
In today’s class first we did the revision of first two
classes and then following topics were covered:
1. What is CB?
2. Why do we study CB?
3. Approaches
4. Modelling
5. Types of buying behaviour.
What is CB?
CB is a subset of human behaviour
i.e. CB is a part of total human behaviour. Total human behaviour means how a
person behave socially ,politically .A person behave in a different way in
different situation .CB is a study of buying behaviour of a person i.e. what is
the behaviour of a person before buying, during buying and after buying.
Now what is behaviour?
Behaviour is a response (effect)
to a stimulus (cause)
For every effect there is a cause and
for every cause there is effect.

Response is determined by the
stimulus .To get desired positive response, stimulus must be appropriate.
Now if response is only
determined by stimulus then all individual should have same response for a
given stimulus but it is not so. Why ? Because of different filter, no two
individuals can not have same behaviour even if they are twine (but can
have similar behaviour ,the task of
segmentation is identifying and grouping the individual who has similar

What is this filter and how it is
Every human being has some
accumulated knowledge by birth .In human being knowledge get passed from one
generation to the next and then every person born and bought up in different
situations. Every one of us studied in different school ,grown up in different cultures, spending time
among different people ,have different parent so all of us are different in one
way or other.
So our response not only depends
on stimulus but on filter also
CB is the sum of response ,filter
and stimulus
What answers CB gives:
Who is the customer ,why he is
buying ,how he is buying ,from where he is buying ,when he is buying, how much
he is buying.
A marketer must know the answer
of these questions and to get there answer he should have knowledge of CB then
only he can do the segmentation ,targeting, positing and can attract the
Why do we study CB?
1.To understand the philosophy of
marketing/marketing concepts ,you should have prior knowledge of CB.There are
five marketing concepts:
i)product concept:This
orientation hold that customer will favour those products that offer most quality,
performance or innovative features.Managers focusing on this concept
concentrate on making the superior products and improving them over time.
ii)production concept :It hold
that consumer will prefer that products that are widely available and
inexpensive .Managers focusing on this concept concentrate on achieving high
production efficiency ,low cost and mass distribution.
iii)selling concept :It hold that consumer and business if
left alone will ordinarily not buy enough of products. The organisation must
therefore undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort. This concept assume that consumer typically show buying
inertia or resistance and must be coaxed into buying. It also assumes that the
company has a whole stoke of effective selling and promotional tools to
stimulus more buying .Most firms practice the selling concept when they have
overcapacity. Their aim is to sell what they make rather then make what market
iv)marketing concept:It hold that
to achieve its goal company must be more effective then competitor in creating
,delivering and communicating value to the customer .The marketing concept rest
on four pillars namely target market, customer need, integrated marketing and
What is the difference between
sales concept and marketing concept?
The sales concept is preoccupied
with the sellers need to convert his product into cash.The marketing concept is
preoccupied with the idea of satisfying the need of the customer by mean of
product as a solution to the customers problem (need).
v) Mass marketing concept :It is
a marketing converging strategy in which
firm ignore market segment differences
and go after the whole market with one offer .The idea is to broadcast a
message that will reach the largest number of people possible.
2 .To be successful in marketers
job , you need to study CB.
Marketers job is to create
appropriate stimulus to get desired responses like getting convinced, buying, satisfaction
of customer, reuse of product ,positive
word of mouth by the customer.
3. study of CB facilitate
marketing decision like how to survive ,grow, retention of customer ,giving
satisfaction to the customer.
What is satisfaction? It is the
relationship between performance and expectation.
If expectation<performance,
customer will be dissatisfied .He will not come back because he has other
options .and also he will spread the negative word of mouth about the product.
If expectation =performance ,customer will be just satisfied .A just
satisfied customer may shift to competitor even with small incentive by the
If expectation >performance,
customer will be delighted .It will result in retention of the customer. A
delighted customer spread positive word of mouth about the product .A delighted
customer will even gives the chance if u fails.
Is under promising and over
delighted is appropriate to delight the customer ?No. Because customer will not get attracted to your
offering and he may choice your competitors more attractive offer. so
overpromising is appropriate ?No. overpromising and over delivering is the best
way to delight the customer.
4.In branding the study of CB is
The problems faced by customer: many
options, limited time and energy .So solution is turning to brand. Buying a
branded product among many options save time and energy which a customer can
use in other thing.
Commodity: commodity is a
unbranded product. Product is a commodity. For a commodity
it very difficult to seek attention so the commodity needs branding.

Brand association
Marketing needs the commitment of
the customer which comes when you differentiate yourself from your competitor. Today
differentiation is a big challenge you cannot distinguish yourself on the
objective attributes because they can be copied ,cannot distinguish by
technology because everyone has almost same technology ,you can only
distinguish yourself on the subjective
attributes (image associated with the product).to create the brand you
need brand equity.Brand equity comes from
1.Brand awareness: if the
customer can recall your product and how well he is aware about the product.It
lead to high brand equity.
2.Brand association like pepsi
associated with youthness, phenyl with cleanliness etc
Introspective: analysing own
behaviour at the instant of buying.
Retrospective : analysing own
buying behaviour after buying the product.
Prospective: analysing others
buying behaviour.
Prescriptive: asking questions to
potential buyer about their buying behaviour.
CB models:
-describe the phenomena of buying
; what it is.
-explain the buying phenomena ;why
it is the way it is.
-predict what is likely to
the CB behaviour.
Popular CB model is black box.Here
black box refer to consumer mind.when the mind get the stimulus it starts
processing and then respond accordingly.

Stimulus type:
1. uncontrollable-which can not
be controlled by the marketers .example inflation, what your competitors are
2. controllable-which can be
controlled by marketer. example price, product, promotion, place i.e. marketing
Promotion mix:advertising,sales
promotion,publicity,personal selling
Advertising: it involves non
personal , mostly paid promotion after using mass media outlets to deliver the
marketers message .
Sales promotion: in this
incentive is given to increase the sale. example discount.
Publicity: it use third party
source particularly news media to offer a favourable mention of the marketers
company or product without direct payment to the publisher of the information.
Personal selling:it involves
personal contact between buyer and the seller.
All elements of marketing mix
acts as a stimulus .marketer has control over all of them. Than this stimulus
is processed is the customers mind.
How the processing takes place.

Surf tide

-motivation: it is the driving
force that make the individual to respond or act. There is a gap between
prevailing and desirable. Motivation fill this gap .if there is no gap, there would
be no motivation.

Motivation type-
Rational: customer compare cost
and benefit before buying .In this there is always a reasoning in buying.
Emotional: no reasoning in buying
What is the difference between
perception and motivation?
Perception is inside the customer
and motivation is outside deriving force.
-attitude: it is the
predisposition which is learned over a period of time toward certain object. If
you have positive attitude toward the object then your behaviour would also be
Triattitude attribute model:
Knowledge-is about information.
Feeling-is about emotion.
Behavioural tendency.
Behaviour is determined by
feeling and feeling is determined by knowledge.
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